Anxiety and Fear

1920181451Welcome to Anxiety!

Your heart pounds, you are nervous for no reason, and you worry that something terrible may happen. Concentrating is difficult, and you may even feel that you keep forgetting something important or that you remember everything that needs to happen because you can’t seem to calm your mind from constantly thinking about it all.

Those dreadful feelings keep impacting you at night and at work. You feel emotionally and physically drained while experiencing sweaty palms and an inability to sleep. How you think affects your home life.

Performance at work is a constant worry. Whenever your supervisor calls or sends an email, you worry that you are in trouble or, even worse, terminated. Although logically, you know that you have done nothing wrong, you can’t help feeling like you are in trouble.

Perhaps you worry that something terrible may happen with a family member or that you forgot to pack lunch. An enormous amount of anxiety builds until you feel as though everything is going to collapse and fall on top of you.

When is anxiety problematic?

Everyone has periods of anxiousness because those feelings are responses to stressful events. Generally, this type of anxiety disappears over a short period.

When anxiety persists, it can create unrelenting stress that impacts you emotionally and physically. This stress can result in reoccurring feelings of concern, and that concern can rule every part of your daily life.

Inability to sleep, constant worrying, and fear that something terrible will happen are expressions of anxiety. Unfortunately, such feelings can become a permanent part of your life.

Finding the underlying causes of anxiety and fear is where therapy can help.

196568378Therapy helps get rid of the unwelcome guest – anxiety.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is very helpful in managing anxiety and worry. This therapy can help you deal with negative thoughts and feelings that exacerbate the fear.

In therapy, you can learn to identify negative thinking patterns contributing to your behaviors and get unstuck from habits and behaviors that hold you back from living at your full potential.

Challenging negative thoughts through exercises designed to elicit logical thinking and learning ways to calm down the emotional mind are ways that Individual Therapy can help you on your path to being fearless.

Let’s discuss how to help you navigate your fearfulness and the anxiety it causes.

Get Connected Today and Start Living Boldly with Strength and Serenity in Your Everyday Life.