Couples Therapy

1185179290Trust helps bind couples together.

Relationships are what we experience when we enter this world. As our first teachers, we depend on our caretakers and family about relationships as we develop.

Throughout our lives, we continue to experience and develop relationships at school and work. Relationships come in wide varieties, including romantic, friendship, parenting, or spiritual.

When we are in a romantic relationship, that individual becomes a person with whom we become emotionally intimate and trust intensely, often relying on them for safety.

Conflict or disruption in a couple’s relationship can stem from a lack of safety or trust. In other words, feeling insecure occurs when trust in one another is no longer present.

The past can influence current relationships.

To understand your romantic and other relationships, it is a great idea to look back on your early childhood relationships because they helped you unconsciously shape your thoughts about how relationships function.

Suppose the relationship does not receive some love and understanding. In that case, intimacy will likely decrease, and you will start to feel unhappy, unfulfilled, misunderstood, unsupported, and emotionally insecure.

In my work with couples, I like to look at significant early childhood experiences, explain the importance of those situations and experiences, and help each person in the relationship understand themselves and the other person. Once we identify and understand patterns of relating, explanations of current behaviors become more apparent and recognizable.

While working with couples, we develop a new, more adaptive narrative that encompasses the needs and wants of both individuals. This narrative helps to toss out unhelpful ways of approaching the relationship. Emotional security can become restored, and couples learn new and more helpful ways of relating, helping them build stronger connections and deeper understanding.

2044465523Don’t keep drifting apart.

Couples therapy can help you identify the positive areas of your relationship and change the behaviors that create rifts in your relationship.

Communication promotes intimacy and trust in relationships.

If you are ready to explore yourself through the eye of your relationship and need help with connection, communicating your needs, and seeking more compassion, love, understanding, and emotional security, then reach out for a couples session today.