Individual Therapy

Individual Img 1Therapy can be scary – but beneficial.

Therapy can be something you think about for a long time before finally reaching out. Or perhaps you have had therapy before and want to start the process again as some symptoms, such as fear, sadness, and low self-esteem, have returned.

Therapy has many benefits, such as healing, experiencing understanding and hope, developing clarity about life, and getting a new sense of direction. Individual Therapy is a perfect place to connect with yourself while providing structure and guidance so you can sit with all the painful, most difficult parts of you and begin to make changes you always wanted but were afraid to face.

The unique part of Individual Therapy is there is no one else in the space but you. This space is where you express your feelings and thoughts without judgment and are embraced with care and compassion no matter what the stressor is in your life.

While participating in Individual Therapy, you have an opportunity for divine connection with You, one of the most powerful gifts you can give yourself in life.

Individual Img 2Experience the benefits of Individual Therapy.

If you remain afraid, anxious, and overwhelmed with sadness, those feelings create a pathway of familiarity, but they can cause you to lose your sense of direction. The negative feeling can make you feel exhausted and hopeless. More fear-based thoughts arise that prevent you from seeking help and keep you stuck in a space not aligned with who you are.

I am here to facilitate and guide your journey. All the answers to your life’s problems are already within you. You only need a partner to walk the journey with you and help you reach places you can’t get alone. In individual therapy, you will see things your eyes are untrained to see.

Individual Therapy is a great experience filled with learning, understanding, and acceptance for all parts of you. Think of a mirror, allowing you to see yourself more intensely. My role is to reflect on what I see and perhaps give new words, increased meaning, tools, and strategies to help you carry your reflections and awareness long after we have stopped meeting.

Let’s help you find your rewards!

I invite you to reach out today as you owe this to yourself. Although change is difficult and scary, the rewards are immense once we push through emotional and mental barriers holding us back or keeping us stuck for many years.

Embrace all your possibilities and reach out today!