Mindfulness and Relaxation

1660008193Relentless worry makes mental relaxation difficult.

You think it may be helpful to understand how your mind works and why you suddenly worry or feel scared or sad without an actual triggering event.

Figuring things out on your own through self-help books and audio recordings hasn’t brought you much luck. It would be great to understand how to relax your mind and not spend so much effort every day thinking and overthinking everything, including dishes, finances, children, working out, and even going to a party planned for next week.

A question occurs to you. “Will things always be this way?” Obsessing about one thought and then another for the rest of your life is worrisome.

Feeling emotionally and mentally exhausted for the rest of your life is not very comforting – and brings you little peace.

Learn to relax your mind.

Living with the daily exhaustion from your mind’s wandering and excessive thoughts is no longer necessary. You can learn mindfulness skills to help train your mind to be aware, notice the thoughts, and not obsess over them.

Many mindfulness skills involve simply becoming aware – meaning putting all your attention into every single detail of one activity, such as breathing. If you focus on your breathing right now, you will become aware of the breaths you take.

As you breathe, other things are sure to cross your mind, but when you notice them, you turn your attention back to breathing.

You can do this simple practice intentionally every day for a few minutes, and you will benefit from having clarity and comfort in learning not to respond to everything. As a result, you can focus on one thing at a time, allowing your mind and body to feel more relaxed.

678329776Give your mind a break – and eliminate worrying.

In therapy, we can explore different methods of Mindfulness and Relaxation and help you discover techniques that will work best for you.

Mindfulness is a skill we all have; we need help seeing its power and using it more intentionally to help us deal with life more easily.

If you would like to explore some ways for relaxation and more focused awareness, call or email for an appointment today.