
1633731604Many reasons can keep you from therapy.

You want to start the therapy process – it’s been on your mind to reach out and get connected, but life is so busy you feel you don’t have the time.

Maybe you have a demanding job, and the traffic from driving to and from work is enough of a burden. You can’t imagine going to a therapist’s office when you only want to crawl into your bed or relax on your couch after work.

Suppose it’s busy family life or other obligations that make attending therapy seem challenging. And one more challenge is not what you need.

If you don’t reach out because life seems to be “showing up,” then you miss the opportunity to “show up” for yourself and give yourself some attention, compassion, focus, and healing.

Online Therapy offers a solution.

Online Therapy is super convenient and easy. You only need a phone with Internet service to connect to your session. If the Internet service is shaky, a phone appointment is always an option, allowing you to receive the benefits while navigating your busy schedule.

Finding a quiet space with minimal noise is essential. It would help if you had a place where you could feel comfortable talking about your symptoms and worries for approximately an hour. Many clients have sessions sitting in their car or lying on a couch or bed after work. It’s up to you because you have more control over how to make time for the sessions.

Sessions online or via telephone are conducted the same way as in-person sessions, and you will receive all the benefits of therapy in a manner convenient to you. Also, don’t worry because our sessions ensure confidentiality.

Now it can be your time.

Choose to reach out for help and don’t let an excuse such as “I don’t have the time” get in the way. Thanks to technology, this obstacle is gone.

Take advantage of a new way to work on the new YOU.